Is Numbing Cream Bad for Tattoos?

August 22, 2023

Is Numbing Cream Bad for Tattoos?

Are you considering getting a tattoo but worried about the pain? Well, here's some reassuring news: Did you know that 90% of tattoo artists recommend using numbing cream? That's right, numbing cream can help make the process more bearable.

But before you jump in, it's important to understand whether or not is numbing cream bad for tattoos. In this article, we'll explore the pros and cons of using numbing cream, allowing you to make an informed decision.

Additionally, you might be wondering, why is numbing cream bad for tattoos? While numbing creams are generally safe and effective, some tattoo artists argue that they can alter the skin's texture, making it more difficult to work on. Others believe that numbing creams can affect the quality of the ink and its absorption into the skin. Therefore, it's crucial to consult with your tattoo artist and possibly do a patch test before fully committing to using a numbing cream.

What To Look For in a Numbing Cream for Tattoos?

When choosing a numbing cream for your tattoo, it's important to understand what ingredients will provide the most effective results.

One key ingredient to look for is lidocaine, which is commonly found in many numbing creams on the market.

However, it's also crucial to consider other ingredients that can enhance the numbing effect and ensure a comfortable tattooing experience.

What Is Lidocaine?

Lidocaine serves as a local anesthetic, producing a numbing feeling when its skin cream is applied. This numbing property arises from its ability to block nerve signals conveying pain to the brain.

It's commonly used before drawing blood or placing an IV line. Medical professionals might also recommend its application before minor surgeries.

To obtain lidocaine skin cream, a prescription is usually required. However, it's also available over the counter in pharmacies, especially for use before getting a tattoo or for cosmetic procedures involving needles.

Some versions of this cream combine lidocaine with other anesthetics, such as prilocaine. Various forms of lidocaine exist for different needs, including mouth gels, throat sprays, suppositories, and medicated patches.

Key Points:

  • Lidocaine numbing cream skin cream typically starts its numbing effect quickly, usually between 5 to 60 minutes.
  • Only apply the cream to unbroken skin; avoid using it on open wounds or scrapes.
  • Lidocaine skin cream is generally safe to use. Usual side effects include itchiness and a tingling sensation.
  • During the numbing phase, steer clear of scratching, rubbing, or subjecting the treated spot to very hot or cold temperatures.

Now, is numbing cream with lidocaine bad for tattoos? Well, the good news is that lidocaine numbing cream is generally safe for tattooing when used correctly and in moderation. In fact, it can make the process more comfortable by reducing pain and discomfort.

However, it's important to choose the best tattoo numbing cream and follow the instructions carefully to avoid any potential side effects. Don't worry, though; plenty of reliable options are available, such as lidocaine cream over the counter from Ink Scribd.

Is tattoo numbing cream good or bad? This is a question that often comes up, especially among those considering getting a tattoo. While lidocaine is generally considered safe for most people, it's crucial to consult with your healthcare provider and tattoo artist to discuss whether tattoo numbing cream is good or bad for you. Some artists believe that numbing creams can alter the skin's texture, affecting the quality of the tattoo. Therefore, it's essential to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.

So go ahead and enjoy a painless tattoo experience with the help of a trusted numbing cream!

What Other Ingredients To Look For?

You'll want to look for a numbing cream that contains added ingredients like cholesterol, Vitamin E, and hydrogenated lecithin. These ingredients not only enhance the effects of lidocaine but also provide additional benefits for your skin.

Cholesterol helps keep your skin hydrated without making it feel oily, while Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant, supporting healing and protecting your skin from UV damage.

Hydrogenated lecithin stabilizes and conditions the top layer of your skin, allowing other ingredients and lidocaine to absorb into your skin easily.

With these added ingredients, you can find a numbing cream that is effective in making your tattoo experience painless and supports the health and well-being of your skin.

So yes, numbing cream with these ingredients is also good for tattoos.

How Do Numbing Creams Work?

To understand how numbing creams work, it's important to know that they block the nerve endings in your skin. Applying the cream directly to your skin starts working by preventing those nerves from sending pain signals to your brain. It's like putting a temporary barrier between your skin and the pain sensation.

Once the cream has been absorbed into your skin, it acts as an anesthetic, numbing the area where you're getting a tattoo or experiencing any other discomfort. This numbing effect can also help with itchy skin, cuts, burns, and aches. So, if you're looking for relief from these discomforts, numbing creams can be a great option.

Numbing creams usually contain lidocaine and take about four to five minutes to start working. Depending on the dosage, the effects can last anywhere from 30 minutes to four hours. But remember, the numbing effect is not permanent.

Does numbing cream affect tattoos? This is a question many people have, and the answer generally leans towards no, it doesn't negatively affect the quality of the tattoo when used correctly. However, it's always best to consult with your tattoo artist for their specific opinion, as some may have different views on the matter.

The pros and cons of numbing cream for tattoos are worth considering. On the pro side, they can significantly reduce pain and discomfort, making the tattooing process more bearable. On the con side, some artists believe that numbing creams can alter the skin's texture, which may affect the tattoo's quality. Therefore, it's essential to weigh these factors before deciding to use a numbing cream.

The best part is that applying numbing cream yourself is perfectly safe. Just make sure to avoid getting it near your eyes and mouth. So go ahead and give yourself some freedom from pain with the help of numbing creams!

How Do I Apply a Numbing Cream?

First, make sure to thoroughly clean the area where you plan to apply the numbing cream. Freedom is all about being in control, so take charge of your tattoo experience by following these steps.

Before applying the cream, read the directions on the bottle carefully. You want to cover all areas of your skin that will be tattooed. Don't hold back – apply a thick layer of cream for maximum effect. Remember, you want every inch numb! Once used, wrap clean plastic around the area and let it absorb into your skin.

Timing is key when it comes to numbing creams. Apply the cream about an hour before your appointment. This will give it enough time to work its magic without losing its potency. Be mindful to apply the cream early enough since it takes little time for absorption.

Lastly, protect your hands with gloves unless you fancy numb fingers! Numbing creams can be a game-changer for pain management during a tattoo session, but proper application is crucial for optimal results. Take control of your comfort and get ready to enjoy a truly liberating tattoo experience!

What Are the Different Types of Tattoo Numbing Creams?

There are several types of tattoo numbing creams available on the market, each with its own unique properties and benefits. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most common types:

1. Lidocaine creams:

Lidocaine creams are the most widely used numbing creams for tattoos. They contain the active numbing ingredient lidocaine, which helps dull the pain receptors in the skin. Lidocaine creams are easy to apply and provide a moderate level of numbing sensation.

2. Combination creams:

Combination creams are a step up from lidocaine creams. They contain a combination of lidocaine and prilocaine, making them more potent and effective in numbing the skin. These creams are often used for larger tattoos or more sensitive areas of the body.

3. Numbing gels and sprays:

Numbing gels and sprays are applied directly to the skin and quickly penetrate the layers to provide immediate numbing. These products are convenient and easy to use, as they can be targeted to specific areas. They are particularly useful for touch-ups or small tattoos.

4. Topical anesthetics:

Topical anesthetics are the strongest numbing creams available and require a prescription from a medical professional. These creams contain higher levels of lidocaine, ensuring maximum numbing effect. Topical anesthetics are typically used for more intense tattoo sessions or for individuals with a low pain threshold.

When using tattoo numbing creams, it’s essential to follow the instructions carefully and consult with a tattoo artist or medical professional if needed. Some creams may require a longer application time or additional precautions to ensure safety and effectiveness.

While numbing creams can significantly reduce the pain associated with getting a tattoo, it’s important to remember that they are not a complete solution. It’s still crucial to choose a reputable tattoo artist with experience and skill to ensure a positive tattooing experience.

Tattoo numbing creams offer a viable solution for those who want to minimize the pain of getting a tattoo. From lidocaine creams to powerful topical anesthetics, there is a range of options available to suit different needs and preferences. Remember to do your research, consult with professionals, and enjoy the tattooing process with increased comfort.

What Is Ink Scribd Numbing Cream?

Ink Scribd Numbing Cream, with five percent lidocaine, is a versatile product that can be used for various painful experiences. This numbing cream isn't just for tattoos; it can help you have a better experience during painful procedures.

Here are three reasons why Ink Scribd Numbing Cream is the perfect solution for your pain:

- It provides fast and effective relief: With five percent lidocaine, this cream quickly numbs the area and reduces discomfort. Say goodbye to unnecessary pain!

- It is easy to use: Apply a thick layer of the cream to the desired area and rub it in thoroughly until fully absorbed. Then, wrap the area with plastic wrap to activate the cream and prevent it from drying.

- It can be used on various body parts: Whether getting a piercing or going through hair removal, this numbing cream can be applied to different areas of your body. Just make sure to avoid contact with your eyes and mouth.

Ink Scribd Numbing Cream allows you to explore new experiences without worrying about unnecessary pain. So go ahead and embrace life's adventures!

What Are the Pros and Cons of Using a Tattoo Numbing Cream?

Using a tattoo numbing cream can significantly reduce the pain experienced during tattooing, allowing for a more comfortable and enjoyable experience. When you apply a numbing cream before getting a tattoo, it helps to dull the sensation of pain, making the whole process more bearable. This means that you can focus on enjoying the artistry and expression of your tattoo without being distracted by intense discomfort.

Do tattoo numbing creams work? Yes, they generally do. They are designed to numb the skin and make the tattooing process less painful. The effectiveness can vary from person to person, but for most, it makes a noticeable difference in comfort levels.

The use of numbing cream also allows you to get a larger or more elaborate tattoo. Without numbing cream, the pain might become too much to handle after a certain time, leading to breaks and interruptions in tattooing. However, with a numbing cream applied beforehand, you can endure longer sessions without needing as many breaks. This means your artist can work continuously and efficiently to create your desired design.

However, it's important to consider some potential drawbacks of using numbing creams. Some argue they may affect the healing process or cause complications such as allergic reactions or skin irritations. Does numbing cream work for tattoos in a way that could cause these issues? The answer largely depends on the individual and the quality of the cream used. Choosing a high-quality numbing cream that professionals recommend and following proper application instructions is crucial.

Ultimately, whether or not to use a tattoo numbing cream is a personal choice based on your pain tolerance and preferences. Remember that freedom lies in making informed decisions and prioritizing your comfort and satisfaction during this artistic journey.

Prescription Versus Over-the-Counter

It's important to be aware of potential side effects when using prescription numbing creams. These creams are significantly more potent and effective than over-the-counter options, but a higher risk of side effects comes with that strength.

Knowing when to seek medical attention is crucial if you experience any adverse reactions while using a prescription numbing cream.

Potential Side Effects

According to experts, the most common side effects of numbing cream use include irritation, redness, and mild burning. These effects can occur when you apply the cream to your skin before getting a tattoo.

However, it's important to note that these side effects are usually mild and temporary. While some people may experience skin discoloration or ringing in the ears, these symptoms typically go away independently.

It's crucial to follow the instructions provided with the numbing cream and avoid using too much of it, as excessive absorption of lidocaine into the bloodstream can be dangerous.

Remember to use caution when using numbing creams on large surface areas of your body, such as for leg tattoos or laser hair removal.

When to Seek Medical Attention

If you experience severe symptoms such as seizures or hallucinations after applying numbing cream, seek immediate medical attention.

While numbing creams can help reduce pain during tattoo procedures, knowing the potential risks is important. Is numbing cream bad for tattoos? Using numbing cream improperly or in high doses can lead to lidocaine toxicity, which can have serious consequences.

Using numbing cream improperly or in high doses can lead to lidocaine toxicity, which can have serious consequences.

Symptoms that may indicate systemic absorption of the cream and lidocaine toxicity include irregular heartbeat, numbness around the mouth or tongue, dizziness, blurred vision, and muscle twitching. These could be considered as tattoo numbing cream side effects that require immediate attention.

It is crucial to pay attention to these signs and not ignore them.

If you notice any of these symptoms after using numbing cream, do not hesitate to seek medical help immediately.

Your health and well-being should always be a top priority when considering any kind of body modification procedure.

How to Use Tattoo Numbing Cream Effectively

If you’re looking for some relief from the pain of getting a tattoo, numbing creams can help make the process more bearable. But it’s crucial to use these topical anesthetics properly to get the maximum benefits. In the following section, you’ll discover key tips and best practices for applying tattoo numbing cream safely and effectively. Learn how to choose the right numbing agents, properly prepare your skin, time application correctly, and follow aftercare steps when using creams. With the right technique, you can gain some freedom from tattoo pain and focus on your body art.

1. Consult Your Artist:

Before using any numbing product, always consult with your tattoo artist first. They will be able to provide guidance on whether it’s suitable for your specific tattoo and skin type. Additionally, they may have recommendations for trusted numbing creams.

2. Do a Patch Test:

To avoid any adverse reactions, it’s crucial to perform a patch test prior to your tattoo session. Apply a small amount of the numbing cream on a small area of your skin, preferably a few days before your appointment. This will help you determine if you have any allergies or if the cream causes skin irritation.

3. Follow Directions:

When using tattoo numbing cream, carefully read and follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Pay close attention to the recommended timing and application amount. It is crucial not to exceed the dosage mentioned on the label, as excessive use can lead to unwanted side effects.

4. Choose Top Quality Products:

Ensure that you select a high-quality numbing cream from reputable suppliers. Avoid homemade recipes or untested products, as they may not provide the desired effect and can pose potential risks. Opt for clinical-grade numbing creams that have been proven safe and effective for tattooing purposes.

5. Allow Adequate Absorption Time:

For the numbing cream to work effectively, it needs sufficient time to be fully absorbed by your skin. Apply the cream at least 60 minutes before your tattooing session begins. This will allow the active ingredients to penetrate deep into the layers of your skin, ensuring maximum numbing effect during the tattooing process.

When used correctly, tattoo numbing creams can help provide some relief from discomfort during tattoo sessions. Be sure to select only high quality creams and use them according to the instructions. It’s also crucial to get approval from your artist, do a test patch, and allow adequate absorption time before your appointment. With smart and safe application, numbing creams offer an option to help manage tattoo pain and create a more pleasant experience as you get the artwork you desire.

Many Artists like to use Tattoo Numbing Creams

Using numbing creams allows artists to work more efficiently and schedule more clients throughout the day. It's all about freedom, baby! Here are four reasons why many artists love using tattoo numbing creams:

  1. No more interruptions: With the client feeling little to no pain, artists can work without breaks or interruptions. They can focus on their artistry and create masterpieces at their own pace.
  2. Big pieces in one go: Numbing agents reduce the time needed for large tattoos. Instead of splitting a big part over multiple sessions, artists can do it all in one sitting. This frees up precious time for other clients and gives them the freedom to express themselves fully.
  3. Streamlined sessions: Numbing creams mean fewer breaks during tattooing sessions. Artists can keep going without worrying about their clients' discomfort, allowing them to complete more tattoos daily.
  4. Pain-free possibilities: For clients, tattoo numbing creams offer the freedom to get inked in sensitive areas without fear of excruciating pain. Whether it's your ribs or the top of your feet, you can sit back and relax while getting that beautiful artwork you've always wanted.

So embrace the freedom that comes with using numbing creams! Don't let pain hold you back from expressing yourself through ink. Your next tattoo doesn't have to be painful; it can be a liberating experience that leaves you feeling empowered and proud.


So, should you use numbing cream for your tattoo? Well, it ultimately depends on your pain tolerance and personal preference.

While numbing creams can provide some relief during the tattooing process, they may also have drawbacks, such as potential allergic reactions or interference with the healing process.

Like a double-edged sword, numbing cream offers both comfort and risks.

Just like how a beautiful painting is created with careful strokes and colors, getting a tattoo is an art form that requires consideration and balance - so choose wisely!