Do Tattoo Artists Use Numbing Cream?

November 07, 2023

Do Tattoo Artists Use Numbing Cream?

Have you ever wondered if tattoo artists use numbing cream to make the process less painful for you? Well, you’re in luck!

In this article, we’ll uncover the truth about whether tattoo artists use numbing cream. We’ll discuss its benefits, drawbacks, and potential risks, providing you with the information you need to make an informed decision.

Whether you’re a first-timer or a seasoned tattoo enthusiast, this article is here to help you understand the use of numbing cream in the tattooing process.

So, let’s explore and find the answers you’ve been searching for!

History of Numbing Creams in Tattooing

Let’s explore the history of numbing creams in tattooing.

In the early days of tattooing, pain management wasn’t a priority. But as the art form evolved, so did the desire for less painful experiences.

Numbing creams were introduced in the 1980s. They initially used Lidocaine-based formulas and have since become a popular option for managing pain during tattoo sessions.

Early days of tattooing and pain management

During the early days of tattooing, tattoo artists had limited options for pain management. Pain was considered an integral part of the tattooing experience, symbolizing courage and commitment.

However, as tattooing evolved into a decorative art form in Europe and America, the search for pain relief began. Opium, cocaine, and even regional anesthesia were occasionally used in early American tattoo parlors.

However, it wasn’t until the 1980s that the widespread use of numbing creams containing lidocaine became popular. These creams provided temporary relief by numbing the skin and making the process more bearable.

While some tattoo artists embrace the use of numbing creams, others believe that pain is an essential part of the tattooing journey. It ultimately comes down to personal preference and the individual’s desire for a pain-free experience.

Introduction and evolution of numbing creams in the tattoo world

As you explore the world of tattooing, it’s important to understand the introduction and evolution of numbing creams in the tattoo industry.

The development of modern tattoo numbing creams began in the 1980s, as tattooing gained popularity beyond its traditional roots. The first numbing creams contained lidocaine, providing temporary relief by dulling the skin’s sensation.

In the 1990s and 2000s, more powerful formulations emerged, combining lidocaine with other pharmaceuticals for longer-lasting effects. Today, numbing creams are commonly offered at tattoo shops as an option for maximizing comfort during the tattooing process.

However, opinions among tattoo artists are divided on the use of numbing creams, as they can affect the artist’s technique and the tattoo’s outcome. It’s important to consider the potential impact of numbing creams on tattoos before deciding to use them.

How Tattoo Numbing Creams Work

So, you’re curious about how tattoo numbing creams actually work? Well, it’s quite simple really.

These creams contain anesthetic ingredients like Lidocaine, which block the nerve signals that communicate pain to your brain.

When applied to your skin, the cream numbs the nerve endings in the area, reducing discomfort during the tattooing process.

Basic explanation of the science behind numbing creams

To understand the functioning of tattoo numbing creams, it’s crucial to comprehend the science behind these numbing agents. Tattoo numbing creams consist of anesthetics or numbing agents like lidocaine, prilocaine, benzocaine, and tetracaine.

These active ingredients work by obstructing the transmission of pain signals from the skin to the brain. When the tattoo needle penetrates the skin, it stimulates pain receptors that send signals to the brain. The anesthetic molecules in the numbing cream hinder the entry of sodium into the nerve endings, effectively blocking the pain impulse from reaching the brain.

This disruption of the pain signal helps alleviate discomfort, stinging, and sensitivity to touch in the tattooed area. The degree and duration of numbness vary based on the specific anesthetic used and the proper application technique.

Common ingredients like Lidocaine and their effects

Lidocaine is a frequently used ingredient in tattoo numbing creams, providing localized pain relief by blocking nerve signals. It is widely used because of its ability to penetrate the skin and effectively alleviate tattoo pain. When combined with prilocaine or benzocaine, lidocaine can offer longer-lasting pain relief. However, it is important to note that the use of numbing creams can potentially affect the tattoo itself. Some concerns include whether the cream affects the ink, the quality of the tattoo, or the final result. While numbing creams generally do not directly impact the ink or the quality of the tattoo, they may cause temporary swelling or puffiness, making it challenging for the tattoo artist to work precisely. Additionally, excessive use of numbing cream can result in a loss of sensation, making it difficult for the artist to gauge depth and pressure during the tattooing process. Overall, while lidocaine and other numbing cream ingredients can provide temporary pain relief, it is important to discuss any concerns with your tattoo artist before deciding to use numbing cream.

Concerns with Numbing Creams
Does tattoo numbing cream affect the ink?
Does numbing cream affect tattoo quality?
Does tattoo numbing cream affect the tattoo?
Does numbing cream affect tattoo ink?
Does lidocaine affect tattoos?


The Divided Opinion Among Tattoo Artists

Wondering why there’s such a divided opinion among tattoo artists when it comes to using numbing creams?

Some artists prefer to use them as a way to enhance client comfort and streamline the tattooing process, while others see them as potentially affecting the quality of the tattoo and the overall experience.

It seems that the use of numbing creams is a personal choice that each artist makes based on their own preferences and concerns.

Why some tattoo artists prefer using numbing creams

Some tattoo artists have differing opinions on the use of numbing creams. While not all tattoo artists use numbing creams, there are several reasons why some prefer to incorporate them into their tattooing process:

  • Client Comfort: Numbing creams help reduce discomfort during tattoo sessions, making it easier for clients to relax and stay still.

  • Easier Application: When the area is numb, clients are less likely to flinch or move from pain, allowing the artist to execute clean, precise lines.

  • Longer Sessions: Numbing creams make longer tattoo sessions more tolerable for clients, allowing artists to accomplish more in one sitting.

  • Less Stress: Reduced pain leads to less stress and anxiety for both the client and artist, making the tattooing process more enjoyable.

  • Results in Referrals: Happy clients who’ve a comfortable experience are more likely to refer friends to the artist, generating more business.

  • Caters to Lower Pain Tolerances: Numbing creams provide a more accessible option for clients with low pain tolerance, allowing them to get tattooed.

  • Allows Focus on Artistry: Minimizing pain allows the artist to focus entirely on their artistry, without constant worry about the client’s comfort.

Why some artists avoid them

Many tattoo artists avoid the use of numbing creams due to their concerns about altering the tattooing experience and affecting the quality of their work. They believe that pain is an important part of the tattooing process and that numbing creams can hinder their ability to create crisp, clean lines. Numbing creams also change the sensation of the needle, making it difficult for artists to gauge depth.

Additionally, there’s a risk of allergic reactions and skin irritation, which can disrupt the tattooing process. These creams can mask pain signals, preventing artists from detecting potential issues. Some artists view the pain as an integral part of the ritualistic experience and feel that numbing creams provide a distorted representation. Additionally, the application of numbing cream can be messy and interfere with the artist’s workspace.

Benefits of Using Numbing Creams for Clients

Using numbing cream during the tattooing process offers several benefits for clients.

Firstly, it helps to reduce pain and discomfort, making the experience more tolerable, especially for those with low pain tolerance.

Secondly, numbing cream can make the tattooing process smoother by minimizing the stinging sensation when the needle comes into contact with the skin.

Lastly, it allows clients to sit for longer sessions, enabling them to get larger or more intricate designs without having to endure excessive discomfort.

Reducing pain and discomfort

Improve your tattoo experience by minimizing pain and discomfort with the use of numbing cream. Here’s why using numbing cream for tattoos can be beneficial for you:

  • Reducing pain and discomfort: Numbing cream works by numbing the nerves in the skin, providing temporary relief from pain during the tattooing process.

  • Enhanced tattooing experience: By reducing pain and discomfort, numbing cream allows you to focus on the art and enjoy the tattooing experience without the distraction of intense sensations.

  • Extended tattooing sessions: Numbing cream can help prolong tattooing sessions by minimizing discomfort, allowing the tattoo artist to work for longer periods without causing excessive pain to the client.

Using numbing cream for tattoos is a common practice that can significantly improve your tattoo experience. So, if you’re looking for a way to make the process more comfortable and enjoyable, consider using numbing cream for your next tattoo session.

Making the tattooing process smoother

Using numbing cream during the tattooing process can provide you with a more comfortable experience. Numbing creams contain ingredients like Lidocaine that numb the nerves in your skin, reducing the pain sensation. By applying numbing cream before the tattoo session, you can minimize the discomfort and make the process more manageable.

This can be particularly beneficial if you have a low pain tolerance or are getting a larger or more intricate tattoo. Numbing cream can help you relax and focus on the design rather than the pain. However, it’s important to discuss the use of numbing cream with your tattoo artist beforehand to ensure their comfort and readiness to use it.

Helping clients with low pain tolerance

If you have a low pain tolerance, using a numbing cream can greatly reduce your discomfort during the tattooing process. Here are some benefits of using numbing creams for clients like you:

  • Alleviates pain: Numbing creams contain ingredients like Lidocaine that numb the nerves, reducing or eliminating pain during the tattooing process.
  • Increases comfort: By numbing the skin, numbing creams make the tattooing experience more comfortable and bearable for individuals with low pain tolerance.
  • Enhances relaxation: The absence of pain allows clients to relax and enjoy the tattooing process without feeling anxious or stressed.

While numbing creams can provide relief, it’s important to consider some drawbacks as well. Numbing creams may affect the tattooing process as they can make it difficult for artists to gauge depth and pressure. Additionally, the effectiveness of numbing creams may vary, and some creams may not work as well as others. It’s always recommended to discuss the use of numbing cream with your tattoo artist and consider their expertise and preference.

Potential Drawbacks and Concerns

Using numbing cream for tattoos may have some potential drawbacks and concerns.

One concern is whether it affects the quality of the tattoo, as the cream can make it difficult for artists to gauge depth and pressure.

Another concern is the possibility of allergic reactions or side effects, such as skin irritation or swelling.

Additionally, clients should be aware that the numbing effect can last for hours post-application, which may be an inconvenience for some individuals.

It’s important to consider these factors and discuss them with your tattoo artist before deciding to use numbing cream.

Does it affect tattoo quality?

Numbing cream can potentially affect the quality of your tattoo. Here are some potential drawbacks and concerns to consider:

  • Does numbing cream affect tattoo healing? While numbing cream can provide temporary relief during the tattooing process, it may affect the healing process afterward. The cream can create a barrier between the skin and the ink, potentially interfering with the tattoo’s overall appearance and longevity.

  • Is numbing cream bad for tattoos? Excessive use of numbing cream can lead to loss of sensation, making it difficult for the tattoo artist to work with precision. Additionally, numbing creams can cause unpredictable healing patterns and may require intervention from a dermatologist.

  • Why don’t tattoo artists use numbing cream? Some tattoo artists believe that pain is an integral part of the tattooing experience and prefer not to use numbing cream. Others have had negative experiences with numbing creams, leading them to avoid using them altogether.

Considering these factors, it’s important to communicate with your tattoo artist and make an informed decision about the use of numbing cream.

Concerns about allergic reactions or side effects

When considering the use of numbing cream, it is important to be aware of potential drawbacks and concerns, particularly regarding allergic reactions or side effects. Numbing creams can cause allergic reactions, skin irritation, and redness. Excessive use of cream can result in a loss of sensation, making it challenging for the tattoo artist to work. To help you understand the risks and side effects of numbing cream, take a look at the table below:

Concerns Allergic Reactions Side Effects
Potential Risks Yes Yes
Skin Irritation Possible Possible
Redness Possible Possible
Loss of Sensation No Yes
Impact on Tattooing Potential Swelling Difficulty for Artist to Gauge Depth/Pressure
Dermatologist’s Help May be Required May be Required

It is important to discuss any concerns you may have with the tattoo artist before deciding to use numbing cream. By being informed about the potential risks and side effects, you can make an informed decision about whether numbing cream is right for you.

Extended time the skin remains numb post-application

After applying numbing cream, you may experience a prolonged period of numbness on your skin. While this can be beneficial for reducing pain during the tattooing process, there are potential drawbacks and concerns to consider:

  • Prolonged numbness: The numbing effects of the cream can last for several hours, which means you may remain numb even after the tattoo session is over.

  • Difficulty in assessing pain: Extended numbness can make it challenging for both you and the tattoo artist to gauge your pain tolerance during the tattooing process.

  • Delayed healing: The numbing cream can affect the natural healing process of your skin, potentially leading to longer recovery times.

It is important to discuss the duration of numbness with your tattoo artist and consider the potential impact it may have on your overall tattooing experience.

Client Perspective: To Request or Not?

If you have a low pain tolerance or are a first-timer, you might consider asking your tattoo artist about using numbing cream to make the experience more comfortable.

It’s important to approach the topic with your artist in a respectful and open manner, understanding that some artists may have their own preferences or concerns about using numbing cream.

When might a client consider asking for numbing cream?

One situation where you may consider asking for numbing cream is if you have a low pain tolerance. Numbing cream can help alleviate the discomfort associated with the tattooing process, making it a more pleasant experience for you.

Here are three instances when you might want to request numbing cream:

  • Large or intricate tattoos: If you’re planning to get a tattoo that’s particularly large or detailed, the tattooing process can be lengthy and potentially more painful. Numbing cream can help you stay comfortable throughout the session.

  • Sensitive areas: Certain areas of the body, such as the ribs, inner arm, or feet, tend to be more sensitive to pain. If you’re getting a tattoo in one of these areas, using numbing cream can help reduce the discomfort.

  • Low pain tolerance: If you know that you have a low pain tolerance or are anxious about the pain of getting a tattoo, numbing cream can provide you with peace of mind and make the process more manageable.

Ultimately, the decision to request numbing cream is a personal one, and it’s important to communicate your preferences and concerns with your tattoo artist to ensure a positive experience.

How to approach the topic with your tattoo artist

When discussing whether or not to request numbing cream, it is important to approach the topic with your tattoo artist in a respectful and open manner. Remember, tattoo artists have their own preferences and experiences when it comes to using numbing cream. Here are some tips on how to approach the topic with your tattoo artist:

Approach Description Effect
Honest Communication Clearly express your concerns and pain tolerance to your tattoo artist. Builds trust and understanding.
Respect Their Expertise Acknowledge that your tattoo artist knows what works best for their process and technique. Shows respect for their craft.
Ask for Their Input Seek their professional opinion on whether numbing cream is necessary for your tattoo. Encourages collaboration and mutual decision-making.


What Tattoo Artists Say: Real Opinions

So, what do tattoo artists actually say about using numbing cream? Well, it seems that opinions vary among artists. Some believe that numbing cream can be beneficial for clients, especially those who are new to tattoos and may have a lower pain tolerance.

However, others feel that numbing cream can interfere with their work and prefer to rely on their expertise in controlling pain during the tattooing process.

Ultimately, it’s important to have a conversation with your tattoo artist to get their perspective and make an informed decision.

Include quotes or experiences from actual tattoo artists

Tattoo artists have varying opinions on the use of numbing cream, with some expressing concerns and others being more open to its use. Here are some real opinions from tattoo artists:

  • ‘I personally don’t use numbing cream because I believe that pain is an important part of the tattooing experience. It’s a way for the client to fully embrace the process and the permanence of the tattoo.’ - Sarah, Tattoo Artist.

  • ‘I understand that some clients have a low pain tolerance, so I’m open to using numbing cream upon request. However, I do caution them about the potential side effects and how it can affect the tattooing process.’ - Jake, Tattoo Artist.

  • ‘I’ve had clients who’ve used numbing cream in the past, and it hasn’t been an issue. As long as they communicate their pain tolerance and we’re able to work together, it can be a good option for those who need it.’ - Lisa, Tattoo Artist.

These quotes provide a glimpse into the different perspectives tattoo artists have regarding the use of numbing cream. It ultimately comes down to personal preference and communication between the artist and client.

Poll results or surveys if available

Continuing the discussion from real tattoo artists’ opinions, let’s now discuss the results of polls or surveys conducted to gather insights on the use of numbing cream by tattoo artists.

These surveys provide valuable information about the preferences and practices of tattoo artists when it comes to numbing cream for tattoos.

According to the poll results, there’s a mixed response among tattoo artists regarding the use of numbing cream. While some artists choose to use numbing cream to provide a more comfortable experience for their clients, others prefer not to use it, believing that pain is an integral part of the tattooing process.

The decision to use numbing cream may depend on factors such as the size and duration of the tattoo session.

It’s important for individuals to discuss their preferences and concerns with their tattoo artist to determine the best approach for their specific situation.

Alternatives to Numbing Creams

If you’re looking for alternatives to numbing creams in managing tattoo pain, there are a few options to consider.

Some people find relief by taking prescription pain medication, as recommended by their doctor.

Others may benefit from using stress balls, listening to soothing music, or finding distractions during the tattooing process.

Additionally, practicing relaxation techniques and taking breaks for breathing exercises can help manage discomfort.

Other pain management methods in tattooing

While numbing creams are a popular option for pain management during tattooing, there are alternative methods available to consider. If you want to explore different pain management options during the tattooing process, here are some alternatives to numbing creams that you can discuss with your tattoo artist:

  1. Mind over matter: Many people find that focusing on their breathing or engaging in deep relaxation techniques can help them manage the pain during tattooing.

  2. Topical anesthetics: Some tattoo artists use topical anesthetics that are specifically formulated for tattooing. These products are applied directly to the skin and can help numb the area temporarily.

  3. Distraction techniques: Listening to music, watching a movie, or engaging in conversation with your tattoo artist can help divert your attention and make the tattooing process more bearable.

Brief mention of natural remedies or relaxation techniques

To explore alternatives to numbing creams, let’s discuss natural remedies and relaxation techniques that can help manage pain during tattooing.

While numbing creams can provide temporary relief, some individuals prefer to consider more natural options. Here are a few techniques you can consider:

  • Aloe Vera
  • Arnica
  • Chamomile

In addition to these natural remedies, incorporating relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, music therapy, and guided imagery can help promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and distract from the pain during the tattooing process.

Mind-body techniques like meditation, yoga, and acupuncture can also be beneficial.


Whether tattoo artists use numbing cream is a topic that sparks curiosity in the tattooing world. While some artists welcome it as a soothing aid, others view it as an unwelcome guest. This debate presents clients with a dilemma, torn between the desire for pain relief and the fear of compromising the tattoo experience.

Therefore, before entering the realm of inked art, it’s essential to communicate openly with your artist and explore alternative options to find the perfect balance between comfort and artistry.

Keep in mind that attitudes on numbing creams vary based on factors like tattoo style, placement, and the artist’s personal philosophy. For large elaborate tattoos like sleeves, back pieces, or those over bony areas, some numbing may enable the artist to achieve the best results. On the other hand, artists who focus on delicate line work or sacred tattoos like Sak Yant may refuse numbing to preserve tradition.

Rather than making assumptions, have an open discussion with your artist beforehand. Ask about their specific numbing policies and procedures. Share your pain tolerance levels and concerns transparently. Some artists may suggest alternative pain relief methods like topical ointments, breaks, or meditation techniques instead.

With the right understanding and preparation, you can find an approach that suits your unique needs and aligns with your artist’s vision. Trust their expertise while being your own best advocate. And remember, quality tattoo artistry often requires some degree of momentary discomfort. But through mindset, communication and care on both sides, you may just find your bliss in the ink.